

|Imperium Dynamics

Top 14 Power Automate Use Case Examples

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is crucial. To help streamline your tasks and processes, Microsoft offers a powerful workflow automation tool called Power Automate.

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|Imperium Dynamics

Top ERP Software for Food Manufacturing Industry

Food recalls cost the industry about $7.2 million on average each year. This shows how crucial it is to have precise operations. Today's top ERP software for food manufacturing helps with this. It ensures quality, follows rules, and works efficiently.

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|Imperium Dynamics

ERP AI: Revolutionizing Business Management

Did you know that adding artificial intelligence to ERP can boost efficiency by up to 30%? In today's fast-paced business world, ERP AI is changing how companies manage their operations.

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|Imperium Dynamics

How Much Does an ERP System Cost?

Did you know that companies can spend anywhere from $150,000 to over $10 million on ERP systems? This shows how big the range and complexity of ERP implementation can be.

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|Imperium Dynamics

How to use $expand in Power Automate

The $expand query parameter is a powerful feature in Power Automate that allows you to retrieve related data from a connected entity or collection based on a lookup field in the current entity.

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|Imperium Dynamics

PowerApps vs. Power Automate (Comparative Analysis)

At Imperium Dynamics, we specialize in Power Apps Consultancy and Power Automate Consultancy to help businesses optimize their processes, increase efficiency, and boost productivity with Microsoft’s Power Platform.

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is AI Builder

AI Builder is a Microsoft Power Platform capability with AI models to optimize your business processes.

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|Imperium Dynamics

How to Create a Canvas App from Figma

Figma is a design software known for its versatility and enables designers and developers to work collaboratively to create visually striking user interfaces for web and mobile applications.

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is Software Sales?

The process of selling software products to customers is known as software sales and can be done directly or through a third-party vendor.

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|Imperium Dynamics

Power Platform in Action: Use Case Insights

In the ever-evolving digital transformation landscape, organizations constantly seek innovative ways to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and deliver a better user experience.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Abdul Wasay

20 Power Apps Examples to Supercharge Your Business

Did you know that Microsoft Power Apps can change how your business works? It's a low-code platform that lets you make custom apps without lots of coding. These apps can make things more efficient, simplify how work gets done, and help companies grow. Let's look at 20 examples to see just how versatile Power Apps is.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Abdul Wasay

Enable SharePoint External Sharing Safely & Easily

SharePoint, a cornerstone of Microsoft 365, excels at collaboration. But what if you need to share documents and sites with external users like clients, vendors, or partners? SharePoint's external sharing functionality bridges that gap, fostering seamless collaboration beyond your organization. This guide empowers you, as a business user in the USA or UK, to enable external sharing in SharePoint securely and efficiently.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Abdul Wasay

Free Microsoft Forms Templates for Every Business

Are you struggling to create efficient forms for your business? Ditch the time-consuming build-from-scratch approach and leverage the power of Microsoft Forms Templates. These pre-designed solutions offer a jumpstart for various business needs, saving you time and effort.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Abdul Wasay

How Document Management Can Boost Your Business

In today's digital age, businesses of all sizes generate vast documentation. Managing these documents effectively, from contracts and invoices to marketing materials and employee records, can be challenging.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Abdul Wasay

Why Cloud Application Development is Key to Growth

Agility and scalability are paramount for success in today's dynamic business landscape. Cloud application development offers a powerful solution, enabling businesses to build modern, high-performing applications that can evolve alongside their needs.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Naveed Ullah

What is UX Audit?

Every project aimed at improving user experience (UX) must include user experience (UX) audits.

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Microsoft Power Platform Recognized Architect

|Zubair Khan

Exploring Microsoft's Diverse Product Line with a Comprehensive Overview

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, Microsoft stands as a towering figure, regarded no longer most effective for its ubiquitous jogging systems and productivity software program but additionally for its various array of products and services catering to agencies of all sizes and industries.

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is Color Theory

Color theory is a study of the science and art of how to use colors in a better way...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Power Portals

Microsoft Power Portals is a low-code, responsive web portal solution that allows ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is CRM

CRM stands for "Customer Relationship Management." It is a business strategy and...

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|Imperium Dynamics

How to map fields

In Dynamics 365, field mapping refers to the process of linking or associating fields...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Co-Pilot Studio

A Co-Pilot Studio is a computer program or AI system designed to interact with...

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|Imperium Dynamics

MS Biz Apps

Microsoft Business Applications is a comprehensive suite of business...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What Are Triggers

A trigger is something that pings the flow to run. If one wants to receive...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Kanban Board

A Kanban board is a workflow visualization tool designed to help clarify ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Dark Theme UI

A Dark theme UI is also known as a dark mode, basically it is a special color scheme...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Power Platform

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a collection of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is Typography

Typography is the art of arranging of the different texts and letters in an organized...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Swagger UI

wagger UI is a tool that allows you to visualize and interact with the API defined...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Security Roles

A security role refers to a set of project-level rights that are given to individuals and ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are a great way to grab viewer’s attention toward your business, idea or...

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|Imperium Dynamics

AI Builder

AI Builder is a feature of the Microsoft Power Platform that enhances corporate...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Microsoft Dataverse

Microsoft Dataverse is a cloud-based, low-code solution for securely storing...

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|Imperium Dynamics

People Management

Human resources management is defined as a set of methods that includes ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Power Pages

In this blog, we are going to talk about the fifth addition to the...

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|Imperium Dynamics

UX Research

User experience (UX) research is about diving deep into how customers interact...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Security Roles

Security Jobs characterize the manner in which clients can access and deal with...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Benefits of Power BI

I used to wonder what the big deal about Power BI is. I think the question is more similar...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Data Loss Policies

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies are a critical aspect of data management and...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is User Persona

A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. User persona helps...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Meaning of life

From the day we are born into this world of hustle and wrestle, how many times do ...Read More

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|Imperium Dynamics

Design Thinking

Design thinking is basically a problem solving process which is based upon being user centric ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Regular Expression in C#

A regular expression in C# makes it easier to accomplish the task of matching pattern of a string C#. Regex also...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Display properties in CSS

Among many properties, ‘Display’ is another property in CSS which defines that how an element would be rendered in an HTML page...

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|Imperium Dynamics

App Designer – An Overview

An app designer is used to design the whole page of the Model-driven app. The designer helps determine which table should go inside...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Model Binding in ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET is a free online framework for creating websites and applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the.NET...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Generic Class in C#

In this blog, a tutorial is demonstrated to learn that what are Generic classes in C#? Generic classes in C#...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Extension Methods in C#

Extension methods are, as the name implies, additional methods. Extension methods allow you to inject additional methods into a....

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|Imperium Dynamics

Winforms C#

The term WinForms is used for Windows Forms. Windows Forms is a class library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that is included in....

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|Imperium Dynamics

Components in Canvas Apps

In this blog, we are going to learn about components in canvas applications. Components are reusable elements that save time and effort of creating ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


What is Beta Testing? Beta testing is another testing type of Acceptance testing. Usually Beta Testing performed by real users or customers...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Working with Modal Dialog forms

Modal Dialog forms are helpful whenever we need prompt the user to input the information on the current screen. With this new feature, it enhances ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


What is Alpha Testing? Alpha Testing is also a type of Acceptance Testing. This software testing performed to identify bugs before releasing the software product to ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Convert HTML to PDF using Power Automate

In this blog, we’ll see how we can use HTML to make PDF using Cloudmersive’s Document Conversion Connector in Power Automate. If you are new to whole concept of Power ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Responsive Layouts in Canvas Apps

In this blog, we are going to learn how to make a canvas application responsive. A responsive layout responds to any type of screen size or device for an optimized ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What is a Boilerplate code?

What is a Boilerplate code? Boilerplate code, also known as boilerplate, is the part of code that has to be repeatedly in use with no or a little modification. Programmers that use boilerplate code ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


What is Unit Testing? UNIT TESTING is a sort of software testing that examines individual software units or components. The goal is to ensure that each unit of software code works as ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


What is Acceptance Testing? Acceptance testing is a type of software testing which is performed to validate either software system met requirements specifications ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Command Designer with Power FX

With the 2021 release wave 2 of Dynamics 365, Microsoft has introduced new features with significant capabilities to transform our businesses. One of the features is ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Integrate Apps with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is one of the fastest growing application of today’s time, where messaging, calling and conference calls hold significant value. When it comes to ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

HTML Helper functions

In this blog, two Html helper functions will be discussed and we will see that how they can be implemented in ASP.NET MVC razor pages. But first we will understand that ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Business Rules in PowerApps

A business rule is an easier and quicker way of applying logic and validations to an entity’s fields without any complex Javascript web resource or plug-ins. It has a simple interface where you ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

How Power Automate Works

Power Automate is one of fundamental parts of Power Platform that helps us streamline repetitive tasks. Power Automate is the ultimate solution when it comes to automating ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


What are Razor Pages? ASP.NET Razor Pages is a server-side, page-focused framework that enables constructing dynamic, data-driven web sites with clean separation ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Field-level security in Dataverse

Dataverse offers three different tiers of security which are Organization level, Record Level and Field level, and a user’s level of access is determined by ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

What are Models in MVC?

In MVC, M stands for Model which is like a normal C# class. Model is responsible for handling database related changes and also responsible ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Lambda Expression in C#

Lambda Expression in C# is an anonymous function, which contains either an expression or a bunch of statements and the operator used to ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Rollup Fields

A Rollup field contains an aggregate value which is calculated from records related to a specific record. When you create a ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Add PCF controls to form fields

PCF stands for PowerApps Control Framework are components that can be used across full breadth of Powerapps capability. The PowerApps component ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Portal Migration

Follow the follwing steps for portal migration: Create a blank portal in your new environment where you are going to migrate data. Then, download ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Custom Connectors in PowerApps

Connector: Connectors in Power Apps make it simple to integrate with other applications or services. The connector acts as a connection between the data source and the ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Customer Service

Microsoft has developed great tools for managing Customers worldwide, with publishing different types of solutions. With the capability of every service, Customer relationship can be ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Adding CSS files in Power Portals

As we all know, Basic Forms are used to add a record to the dataverse. We create Basic Forms from model-driven apps and then we use them in Power Portals so that ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Different Levels of Testing

In general, there are four levels of testing: unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing...

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|Imperium Dynamics


When it comes to utilizing and gathering data based on the processes running behind, or even real-time scanrios, Power BI comes in playing a major role. The real-time dashboards ...

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|Imperium Dynamics


Webhooks are one of several techniques for web apps to interact with one another. It lets you transfer real-time data from one application to another if a specific ...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Add Javascript to Form Controls

We populate data in our entity by the help of forms which allows us to input data in specific fields (after modification) and then display...

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|Imperium Dynamics

Canvas App and Benefits

With technology taking new heights every now and then, Microsoft has made some of the efficient ways in marking its name...

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|Imperium Dynamics

How to Create Test Cases in Detail

A Test Case is a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or a functionality of your software. A Test Case contains test steps, test description...

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|Imperium Dynamics

How To Test the Model Driven App

First, gather the requirements of the app then create Test Cases or Test scenarios according to the given requirements. Create Test Scenarios...

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