Use Material Design in your next website project

| Tahniat Zehra

Material Design is now rapidly taking over traditional design systems. It is currently used by design communities around the world. Using Material Design for your next website project can save you a lot of time by not having to develop your own visual language. Instead, you can easily bypass commonly used design traps.

Similar to the purpose of presentation templates ↗️ to help you create presentations without starting from scratch. But the problem doesn't end there. For a successful presentation, you need to create compelling content.

Similarly, Material Design serves the best purpose when it comes to creating a great presentation for your website project.

What is Material Design?

Material Design is a card-based layout introduced by Google in 2012. It differed from the most popular flat design styles of the time in that it was a nod to paper-based design trends.Material design, like other design systems, spans multiple devices, platforms, and input modalities. Designed to provide a consistent user experience.

Principles of design materials:

  • Visual cues:

The visual cues provided by Material Design, such as edges and surfaces, are inspired by Material Reality. Because of this fact, Google uses the term "haptic reality" to define its design philosophy.These realistic designs help designers visually understand the digital interface on screen. They also make on-screen objects more recognizable and easier to manipulate.

  • Bold aesthetics

Material Design makes dramatic and intentional color choices. Providing users with an immersive experience with eye-catching color schemes goes hand in hand with basic print-based design principles. White space, realistic images, and large fonts are also deliberately used to highlight the user's activity. As a result, users can quickly grasp the purpose and function of the on-screen user interface.

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

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