How to Create or Configure Canvas App Part II

| Usama Muhammad

Create Canvas App From Data Source:

Using this approach for the creation of Canvas App, you should consider a Scenario first then start working on it.

Let’s consider an example scenario, You need to create a Canvas App for Selling Pets and you need to gather the information of your Customer related to the Pets that you have for Selling, you will be gather the information of their Choice of the Pet, their price range, type, etc. You to create an Excel file for that first and then start creating Canvas App from Portal.

Follow these below steps to create an App from Data source:

  • Your file should be uploaded and save in OneDrive for Business.
  • Go to on this link and login your organizational account.
  • Select Create option in Left pane of Home Screen, then select more data sources on the right.

  • After click on more data sources, this below screen will open and create a new connection for OneDrive for Business or used existing once to get your saved file.

  • If you are creating a new connection, then another screen open and on the left pane multiple data sources are showing for the connection but you file is uploaded on OneDrive, so need to need to connect OneDrive for Business.
  • After creating a connection, select your connection
  • Then select your uploaded file with extension of .xlsx (Excel file).
  • Under this Choose a table for your app that was created in an Excel file.
  • Select Connect on the Bottom right.

After done the above steps, after few seconds your Canvas App created with following three default screens:

Browse Screen

This screen created by default when your app created and contains sorting, filter and refreshing the data from data source. You can add more items with the help of plus sign (+).

Details Screen

This screen also created default and contain the details of each item, you can open the items and can delete, edit or update as per your requirements.

Edit/create Screen

On this screen you can add new items or edit the existing once as per your requirements.

These are basic steps of creating an app from Data Source and will learn more methods in next Blog.

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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