How to overcome for eachloop on list rows in powerautomate

| Muhammad Yaseen

If you use List rows connector in your flows you will noticed it will normally get more than 1 row if data available. So whenever you use the values coming from this list rows connector it will automatically be under for each loop which is sometime unnecessary, if firstname is a unique column in your contacts table, if you filter rows like

Firstname eq ‘somename’

Power Automate will wrap the output of this list rows in Apply to each loop.

For Example:

We use Contacts table in list rows connector.

overcome for each loop

The output value First Name we use in the compose connector. It is automatically be wrapped in Apply to each loop.

To overcome this issue we can use expression “first” or “last” according to our need.

Expression is

First/Last (output from your list of rows)? [‘Column Name’]


In this way you will overcome unnecessary looping.

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