How to configure custom connector to accept text instead of json in body

| Muhammad Hassan

Custom connector is an amazing way of connecting Power Platform to third party systems. We can use custom connectors in Power Automate as well as Power Apps. But sometimes the third party API’s are not configured in a proper way which makes it difficult to configure them in a Custom Connector. In this article I’ll give a walk-through of a scenario where the API accepts string in body while custom connector only allows json objects to be configured in the body.

So, first we need to configure the body of the action to accept json object. You can add any sample json object as we will delete it anyways. After updating the custom connector now turn on Swagger editor.

In the swagger editor, go to the action and search for the body.

Now remove all the properties under the body and set the schema to string.

Now you are good to send text in the body.

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Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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