How to map fields

| Hafsa Farooqui

In Dynamics 365, field mapping refers to the process of linking or associating fields between two different entities or records in order to facilitate data transfer or synchronization.

For example, when integrating Dynamics 365 with an external system, it may be necessary to map fields between the two systems so that data entered or updated in one system is automatically reflected in the other. In this case, field mapping is used to establish a connection between the corresponding fields in both systems.

Field mapping can also be used within Dynamics 365 itself, for example, when creating a workflow or a business process flow. In these scenarios, field mapping is used to define the data flow between different stages of the process, ensuring that data is carried forward accurately and consistently throughout the process.

Overall, field mapping is a key feature of Dynamics 365 that helps to ensure data integrity and consistency across the system, and is an important tool for integrating Dynamics 365 with other systems and automating business processes.

To map fields in Dynamics 365, follow these steps:

  • Identify the entities and fields that you want to map: First, identify the entities (such as accounts, contacts, opportunities, etc.) and fields (such as name, address, email, phone number, etc.) that you want to map between two systems or within Dynamics 365.
  • Open the field mapping dialog: Navigate to the entity that you want to map fields for and open the field mapping dialog. This can typically be done by opening the entity record and selecting "Field Mapping" or "Mappings" from the toolbar or ribbon.
  • Create a new field mapping: In the field mapping dialog, create a new field mapping by clicking the "New" button. This will open a new field mapping form.
  • Map the source and target fields: In the field mapping form, specify the source field and the target field that you want to map. You can either select fields from a drop-down list or type in the field names manually.
  • Save and activate the field mapping: Once you have mapped all the relevant fields, save the field mapping form and activate the field mapping. This will ensure that data is automatically transferred or synchronized between the source and target fields.

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