Item not showing on embedded Canvas App

| Muhammad Hassan

Embedding canvas apps into model driven apps is the best way to leverage the features of both the apps into one platform but sometimes the integrated item does not work properly. That is because the integrated item is inaccessible onstart of the app. So, if we try to access the integrated item there we would not be able to get that. A work around for this is to use a timer control and access the integrated item onTimerEnd event of that timer. Let’s see an example.

Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins

In this example, I have set the integrated item to a variable onstart of the app and used that variable as the item of the form.

Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins

This will not work because the integrated item will not be accessible onstart of the app. Now, let’s see the work around for this. We will add a screen before the main screen which will contain a welcome message for some seconds and then the user will be navigated to the main screen.

Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins

The configurations for the timer is as:

Autostart: true

Duration: 5000

OnTimeEnd: Navigate(FormScreen1)

And now we can set the variable onvisible of the second screen.

Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins

Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins
Pre-Image vs Post-Image Plugins

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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