SOLID Principles and Importance

| Muhammad Uzair

solid principles


SOLID principles are the design principles that enable us manage most of the software design problems. The term SOLID is an acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable,flexible and maintainable. The principles areasubset of many principles promoted by Robert C. Martin. The SOLID acronym was first introduced by Michael Feathers.

SOLID Acronym

S : Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)

O : Open closed Principle(OSP)

L : Liskov substitution Principle(LSP)

I : Interface Segregation Principle(ISP)

D : Dependency Inversion Principle(DIP)

Why SOLID should be followed

If we don't follow SOLID Principles we

  • End up with tight or strong coupling of the code with many other modules/applications.
  • Tight coupling causes time to implement any new requirement,features or any bug fixes and some times it creates unknown issues.
  • End up withacode which is not testable.
  • End up with duplication of code.
  • End up creating new bugs by fixing another bug.

SOLID Principles

Following SOLID Principles helps us to

  • Achieve reduction in complexity of code.
  • Increase readability,extensibility and maintenance.
  • Reduce error and implement Reusability.

Achieve Better testability.

Reduce tight coupling.

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Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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