Scrum Practices Using Azure Boards

| Umair Nasar

Having an authoritative source of information is an important factor in successful software development and infrastructure management. The importance of communication and tracking of work is recognized in DevOps. An organized system to keep track of the planned tasks, who they are assigned to, and the progress made on them can increase the effectiveness of the team. Numerous Project management tools are available that can help with the Software delivery management.

Azure Boards is a service that provides a platform to organize and track the progress of software projects. Azure Boards is a comprehensive platform that provides a range of solutions for project management, including support for Scrum and Kanban, customizable dashboards, and built-in reporting. Azure Boards provides a suite of tools to help users plan and manage their projects. It provides a suite of tools to help users plan and manage their projects. It enables users to filter tasks for specific users, export data into calendars, plan sprints, and query for work items.

Work in Azure Boards is tracked through an artifact called a work item. Work items are used to track and store details relevant to the project. They are typically split into distinct states to provide an overview of progress. A common state model might include New, Active and Closed.

Work items provide a comprehensive view, including all changes, any related discussion, and links to development artifacts. These work items are customizable, allowing additional fields, rules, and layout modifications.

Boards are a useful tool for managing the workflow of a project. They are highly customizable, allowing you to add the necessary columns for each team and project. Additionally, they offer features such as swim lanes, card customization, conditional formatting, filtering, and WIP limits.

Backlogs provide a system for organizing tasks and projects in order of precedence, as well as illustrating the connections between different tasks. They provide a simple way to rearrange tasks on the backlog and allocate tasks to upcoming sprints.

Sprints provide an opportunity for teams to achieve specific goals within a set timeframe. This process typically includes a backlog, taskboard, burndown chart, and capacity planning view to aid teams in meeting their objectives.

The team capacity tool allows for the setting of individual team member capacity and days off, as well as days off taken by the entire team, such as holidays. This provides the team with an understanding of the total number of work hours or days available for each sprint.

The sprint burndown chart is used to monitor the progress of a sprint cycle, helping to mitigate risk and identify any potential scope creep. The ideal trend line indicates a steady reduction in the amount of work that needs to be completed over the course of the sprint. The blue area on the chart shows the actual progress, including any additional tasks that have been added and the progress made in completing them.

Each team is associated with a velocity chart, which shows the total estimated effort of backlog items completed within the sprint and the estimated effort of items not yet completed . Velocity may vary between sprints, but should become more consistent over time, and can be used to forecast the full backlog.

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