Add mutiple list views on same page of powerapps portals

| Muhammad Yaseen


PowerApps Portals didn’t allow us to add multiple view to the same webpage directly, but we can use Liquid syntax to include multiple (List, Form, and Content Snippets) to your page of the same entity.

So go to your Webpage > Localized Content > General Scroll down you will see the copy HTML container here you can write additional HTML content to your page,

1. {% include 'entity_list' key:'Cap Calendar Job Offer' %}

Here, “Cap Calendar Job Offer” is my List view name.

If you just add this line to your page you will see your included List view at the top of the page so if you want to add the list after or before some of the content on your webpage so you can use JS in this scenario, so in my case I add it after the #maincontent of my webpage



<div class="container" id="calanderView">

{% include 'entity_list' key:'Cap Calendar Job Offer' %}





Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

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