Redirection Rule for Portals Using Azure ADB2C Tenant

| Muhammad Yaseen

First you have to set up the basic configuration in your PowerApps Portal to connect with azure ADB2C,

Go to your Apps > your portal App > Identity Provider

And set up the configuration from your azure adb2c tenant

Authority: The issuer URL defined in the metadata of the sign up & sign in policy user flow.​

Redirect URL: The location where Azure AD B2C will send an authentication response.​

Client ID: The ID associated with the application created in Azure Active Directory B2C tenant to be used with the portal.​

You can get all the values by going to your ADB2C Tenant.

Go to your B2C tenant and click on redirect Uri.

Here you can provide the redirect Uri’s for your portals

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Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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