Mistakes of UI Design

| Naveed Ullah

Well-designed user interface can mean a lot for a website. Having all the latest features and a responsive design that is compatible across browsers improves the search engine ranking of a website, resulting in growth of audience. However, when the project is huge, developers often fail to adhere to the best UI testing practices. Thereby resulting in a website where some important functionality is not working or one where cross browser testing is not entirely performed.

Here are some examples of UI Mistakes

1. Non-Responsive Issue

Today, all organizations are following the mobile first approach. It is ideal that you must think alike your competitors and develop a website that adheres to the best UI practices related to responsive design, works properly on all devices without any horizontal scrolling and has passed all cross-browser testing strategies for mobile as well as desktop browsers.

2. Poor Color Scheme

While planning the design of your website, use a proper color code for fonts, headings as well as backgrounds. Study the color theory properly to find out which color looks good on which background. UI design tips provided by experts state that a well-coordinated color planning will work better in attracting a client rather than using animations. Here is one of the examples of a great color choice. You can refer to source for more trendy web color palettes.

3. Inconsistency in your UI elements

To ensure a smooth and concise app, avoid using too many different styles. This will send mixed signals to your users! The key is repeating patterns and elements any time you can. A consistent-looking design goes a long way in establishing trust with your visitors and in creating an enjoyable experience. Plus, it will help your users learn their way around your app much faster.

4. Distinction between primary and secondary buttons

When working with apps, you will have many actions that the user is able to complete. It is important to give visual importance to the primary actions. All the navigation happens through buttons, so you have to make it easy for the user to identify the primary buttons by making them bold and prominent. Secondary actions should be less prominent but still visible if the user is looking for them.

5. Improper Font-Size

Text is the primary unit of informational content, which is exactly the reason why it must always be legible and organized. Properly formatted text facilitates users’ perception of information. Keeping a consistent font-size and font-family is very important when you are following the best UI practices. Bold and big typographies are accepted, but it is improper if there is a 4:1 ratio between the font size of a heading and a paragraph.

6. Bad Iconography

Sometimes icons seem to be the “easiest” part of the design. Some designers even see them as an “extra” decorative element, when in fact they are also a fundamental part of modern interfaces. Especially on mobile where icons are the equivalent of buttons (just take a look at Snapchat) you will find an interface that is mostly made of icons.

7. Complicated Navigation for Users

One of the best UI practices for designing a unique user experience is to create a simplified navigation. This will help the user to navigate to the content which he requires without any complication. A complex navigation bar with too many links and buttons will not only confuse the user but will also make the layout clustered which our objective is to avoid.

8. Low contrast

Contrast is everything on a visual composition. When you have low contrast between your interface elements, all of the elements merge together and you end up with a dull and hard-to-read interface because it all looks the same. Low contrast is equal to low usability.

9. low-quality Images

Photos in your interface will help to tell a story, so choose a strong image that will complement the story and the look of your app. Bear these tips in mind when choosing images: Avoid irrelevant photos. Show photos related to your service or product. Use high-quality images only. Choose creative and realistic photos. Avoid fake or staged stock photos.

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

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