| Ali Shah

If you want to become a good planner, think about all the aspects of a project that will make it successful. First, determine if the project is aligned with broader business goals. If not, this plan should be reconsidered. Sometimes a project is needed to solve an isolated problem that may not be part of the overall design.
Make sure you have a good understanding of your team(s), define what needs to be done to achieve those goals, and then identify the tasks and milestones you can achieve. Once you have done this, estimate the resources needed to complete each task and identify any risks or potential risks and how each risk can be addressed.
The key in planning is to look at each of the knowledge areas below and make sure you and your team will address each of these areas in ways that will help reach all the end goals.
- Communications
- Costs
- Human resources
- Procurement
- Quality of deliverables
- Business requirements
- Risks
- Schedules
- Project scope
- Stakeholders
Think of project planning and activities as the beginning and end points of your project. All paths lead back to this stage, including your actions and end results. Before you jump into your project, take the time to procrastinate and plan every aspect of your project that you can consider, including activities, milestones, deliverables, costs, resources, and anything else. This will help you to avoid high stress during the execution of the project and also the disappointment of the stakeholders during the execution.
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