Meaning in life

| Umair Sadiq


Meaning in life

From the day we are born into this world of hustle and wrestle, how many times do we actually stop for a minute to think about the following question “Why am I here”. Asking this question leads us into finding the meaning of our lives but seeking out that meaning on an individual basis could be hard thing to accomplish. But there are certain ways how we can determine the meaning of our lives.


Sometimes what defines the true meaning of life is the bliss of internal happiness that comes with any sort of an experience. This sort of a bliss is what ignites in the heart not much often so try to see what are those experiences creating that sort of an internal bliss for you.

Find your inner talent:

Nature has gifted us all with different internal capabilities which are more or less in a single person compared to others. Try to seek that natural trait within yourself.

Find your purpose:

The next step towards reaching your meaningful destination of life is to see what higher purpose can your inner skill, trait or capability can fulfill. In this way you would be able to become closer with a meaning to your life and stay connected with it through your journey of life.

From the pen of Umair Sadiq

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