CanvasApp and Benefits

| Aqsa Nabi


With technology taking new heights every now and then, Microsoft has made some of the efficient ways in marking its name in the world of development. Power Platform offers an application development tool with low-code and extensive customizable techniques. Canvas and Model driven apps eliminate the needs of a larger development team and complex coding scripts usually required to execute an application.
Rather than implying long codes and waiting for test drives, it’s feasible to use the methodologies suggested by Microsoft. The Canvas app is simple and basic to use and function.

What is a Canvas App?

As the name suggests, Canvas app is based on canvas, giving screens to manage data as a developer. It is comprised of drag and drop functionality, where components can be edited, resized, moved. There are numerous types of options available to design the UI to make your application user friendly.

The Benefits?

  • Canvas app holds a user-friendly approach from both the development and end user perspective. Such that, if you are fluent user of Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel, then you are already halfway there!
  • Low-code need makes it popular among people with less coding skills, and this promotes a big proportion of people to develop applications.
  • Every application built on canvas application has a unique design so having to create different UIs is an experience.

Major Drawback:

With so many features come a drawback too. A canvas application provides the ability to adjust the screen size based on device by two modes: landscape and portrait. But this needs to be adjusted every time manually in the settings pane which brings a bit of headache.

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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