| Usama Ashraf
Add a Table Relationship:
- Now go to Tables and select your created table
- Click on Relationships below the columns in Schema section
- If you click on relationships then a new screen open with all tables list and if you click on any table name then a new popup open and create a default relationship i.e. 1-to-many relation between your table and selected table.
- But if you click on new relationship and select your desired relation then in one field your column name display and in second field a list of tables display to create relationship with your table.
- Now click on save and your table relation created with another table.
Customize a View:
- Now go back on Table screen and select your table or click on your table name with this pattern Tables > Pet > Relationships
- Click on Views in Data experiences section or from New button
- Now a new screen open and click on New View button
- Input your view name and description i.e. Active Pets
- Click on Create button and Active Pets view will add in your table
- Now click on Active Pets view from the views list
- A new screen open which contain following objects
- Now click on View column besides the Name column or drag n drop from left menu of the columns
- Now your columns are added in an Active Pets view, you can also sort your columns as per requirements.
- After that click on Save to save this view in your table or you want to publish it then click on Publish button on top right.
- With ellipses on views you can do multiple actions like, Edit, Turn Off, Set as default view, Advanced and Delete or you can do same actions from command bar
Customize a Form:
- Navigate to your table and click on Forms in Data Experiences section
- Click on New Form dropdown and select main form or other option as per requirements
- Another new screen opens for create a form which contains three screens:
- Left side: Columns or fields of the form in a table
- Right side: Properties, Events and Business rules screen to validate your fields
- Middle scree: Your actual form UI screen, you can drag n drop left menu fields and apply all properties and business rules from right side screen
- Now click on Save and Publish
Now your form created successfully and display in your app or in Dataverse.
Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.