How to change the connection references from your managed solution

| Muhammad Yaseen

Connection and connection reference basic Definition from Microsoft document,

Connections: A connection is a proxy or a wrapper around an API that allows the underlying service to talk to Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft Power Apps, and Azure Logic Apps. It provides a way for users to connect their accounts and use a set of pre-built actions and triggers to build their apps and workflows.

Connection References: A connection reference is a solution component that contains information about a connector. Both canvas app and operations within a Power Automate flow bind to a connection reference. You can import your connection reference into a target environment with no further configuration needed after the import completes. To change a specific connection associated with a canvas app or flow, you edit the connection reference component within the solution.

Important point:
The biggest different between Connection and Connection reference usage is capability of Solution-aware working. The flows which include “Connection” will be turned off after the deployment via solution. But any flow which use only “Connection Reference” will not cause any problem after the deployment is done only if Connection is set to Connection reference definition.

If you deploy a managed solution to your environment, and you want to change the connection for your connection references.

  1. Go to your environment > Default Solution >Connection references

  1. Choose a connection reference and click edit
  2. Click on Create new connection
  3. Create a new connection and click refresh icon and select your new connection from the dropdown.

Join us next time, as we continue our journey of learning canvas apps.Click here to learn more about Imperium's Power Apps Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.

Chief Architect, Founder, and CEO - a Microsoft recognized Power Platform solution architect.

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