Common UX Design Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them

|Naveed Ullah

Let’s discuss the topic that almost all of us deal with on our UX design journey. It happens even with the best designers, but the good part is that we can learn from them and try to avoid them. Here are mentioned some of the typical mistakes and ways to save yourself from them.

1. Saying NO to User Research

One of the important is saying NO to user research. It is normal to get excited to see your design as quickly as possible, but probably you will be designing it blindly because you do not know your users yet. To find out your users’ needs, wants and their behaviors you must go through the process of user research. Taking time for doing surveys, conducting usability tests, and user interviews are totally worth it.

2. More Features than Needed

There are always kind of apps and websites that want everything within it. It might look like more features equal to more value, but it causes confusion to users. Instead of that I would recommend just focusing on what your users’ needs and wants are and then prioritizing features accordingly. Keep that in mind, in UX design simplicity is key to success.

3. Ineffective Navigation

You must have probably visited a website where you got lost completely. It’s annoying right? Ineffective navigation can drive users away from your product. The navigation must be simple and convenient to use. The menus should be very simple, use clear labeling and make sure to decrease clicks journey as much as possible for users to get where they want to reach. Otherwise, they will not be putting too much effort in it, they will just leave.

4. Consistent of Design System

No product can be successful if its design is inconsistent. If elements like fonts, buttons, icons, illustrations, and colors are not consistent, users will have a bad experience. The design system should be consistent overall to give users a elements smooth user experience. Otherwise, your product will not look professional, and it cannot earn users’ trust.

5. Mobile Friendly Designs

Now a days the world is in a mobile-first position, so we cannot ignore the mobile view of our design for a growing audience. Being responsive and working best on all device sizes is significant for designs these days because most users want to use your product on mobile or other devices. Our mobile users would be happy about that.

6. Long Load Times

Users will not think twice before leaving your product or site no matter how good it is. Long load time is annoying for every user right! So, there is a strong possibility that users will go away cause of this. For that, you just ensure your images and graphics are optimized, improve your code, and ensure your server can handle significant amounts of traffic. For better engagements' fast load time is not just beneficial but also crucial.

7. Not Asking for Feedback

Lastly, user feedback helps a lot. This looks best to you, but users may have a different point of view for a design than designers, so keep collecting feedback from them and always be prepared to make changes because of what you have learned from that feedback. One more thing, never take feedback personally, because you are a designer not a designer! So, collect feedback and make improvements if needed.


So, now we know – some of the common mistakes of UX design and ways to avoid them. If you keep these tips in mind, you will be on a good way to creating a effective as well as user-friendly designs for your users. Always remember mistakes are the opportunity for learning. Good luck!

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