
Allergy Partners


Allergy Partners, a leading allergy, asthma, and immunology care provider, sought to modernize its patient estimation process. Their current processes were manual, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Imperium Dynamics deployed Imperium Health Cloud core (IHC) and a custom patient liability estimation tool to address their challenges. The designed solution's user-friendly interface and automation capabilities streamlined the estimation process and freed up staff time for more productive tasks. Integrating existing contract management systems and Power BI dashboards provided real-time insights for data-driven decision-making. Additionally, implementing Power Automate flows automated appointment scheduling, billing, and report generation, further enhancing efficiency. The success of the IHC implementation demonstrates the power of digital transformation in healthcare. By leveraging IHC core, Allergy Partners improved its patient care processes, enhanced operational efficiency, and positioned itself for continued growth.

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The Problem

Allergy Partners was grappling with a manual and error-prone patient estimation process. This antiquated system was causing a cascade of issues. The time-consuming and repetitive estimation process led to a backlog of estimates, hindering timely patient care. The employees were facing burnout due to the tedious and manual nature of the estimation process, affecting their productivity and morale. Patients were surprised because of unexpected patient costs, leading to dissatisfaction and billing disputes, resulting in lost revenue for the company. Moreover, the company needed more accurate and timely estimates to gain valuable insights into pricing trends. Due to the manual process, a higher volume of IT tickets was being raised, diverting IT resources from essential tasks.

In addition to these practical challenges, Allergy Partners faced the need to comply with the legal requirements as the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) Law in the United States mandates that healthcare providers provide patients with estimates of their expected costs for non-emergency services scheduled in advance. Recognizing the need for a more efficient, accurate, and scalable solution, Allergy Partners reached out to us so that we can address their complex challenges.

The Outcome

Imperium Dynamics collaborated with Allergy Partners to implement Imperium Health Cloud (IHC), a comprehensive healthcare solution, to modernize its patient estimation process and drive operational efficiency. IHC's user-friendly interface and automation capabilities streamlined the estimation process, reducing manual data entry and improving accuracy. Integrating existing contract management systems and Power BI dashboards provided real-time insights for data-driven decision-making. Additionally, Power Automate flows automated appointment scheduling, billing, and report generation, freeing up staff time for more productive tasks. User Permission Management ensured secure access to patient data. The time to update contracts for managed care was reduced from five days to just one hour, ensuring that estimates are always based on the most up-to-date contact information.

With over 300 users, the designed solution has proven to be a valuable solution for Allergy Partners. Allergy Partners expressed satisfaction with Imperium Dynamics' ability to tailor the solution to their specific needs, enabling them to achieve their digital transformation goals and enhance patient care.


Solution Features

Centralized platform

Patient Estimation Tool

User-Friendly Interface

Automated Flows

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Power BI Dashboards

Security & Data Compliance

Contract Management



Imperium Dynamics deployed Imperium Health Cloud core (IHC) and a custom patient liability estimation tool to automate patient estimation process.

Allergy Partners

9 months

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