


Imperium Dynamics has streamlined the survey distribution process for UFCU by harnessing Dynamics Customer Voice to craft surveys and Dynamics 365 Marketing to design segments, customer journeys, and tailored email templates.
This enhancement improved efficiency, aligned email templates with the brand, and ensured clear, reader-friendly information presentation. By deploying Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for survey setup, the integrity of the survey questions was upheld. Our implementation of an end-to-end automated email dispatch system guaranteed prompt collection of customer feedback which in turn facilitated timely adjustments to enhance the overall customer experience.

The Problem

UFCU sought to streamline the tedious and time-consuming tasks of sending surveys to their members. They had faced challenges manually handling these surveys and struggled to track the scheduled email dispatch times while wanting to increase their customer response rates. Their existing business process involved sending two types of surveys to their members: an annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey and an event-triggered Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey. UFCU aimed to streamline this operational workflow, and Imperium Dynamics had played a pivotal role in ensuring its seamless execution.

The Outcome

We utilized Dynamics Marketing to automate the UFCU's survey-sending process. This involved categorizing customers based on their enrollment date and implementing real-time marketing techniques to formulate event-triggered journeys, which were used for email distribution. We also developed tailored email templates that incorporated Customer Voice survey links. Furthermore, we also set up email reminders to boost response rates.

The process is as follows: Upon a member’s enrollment in the institution, their joining date is logged in Dynamics Marketing. Then, following a seven-month interval, the system initiates a tailored customer journey based on the member's joining segment, sending them an NPS survey. In case of no response, a reminder email is sent. This process repeats annually based on the member's joining date.

Additionally, there is an internal loop closure process in place. When a customer submits a survey, a notification is sent to the branch manager for a follow-up. If needed, the branch manager can assign someone to edit the survey for accuracy. If the feedback is not collected within five workdays, the regional manager is notified. This protocol ensures efficient communication and customer service.


Solution Features

Build the NPS survey in Customer Voice.

Set up custom email templates for sending surveys.

Segmentation based on the business process criteria.

Track the Loop Closure process in Dynamics 365.



Imperium Dynamics utilized Dynamics 365 Marketing and Customer Voice to enable data-driven decision making for US financial institutions by setting up surveys for customers for capturing insights.


11 months

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