| Usama Muhammad
How to Start Testing on the Model Driven Apps:
First, gather the requirements of the app then create Test Cases or Test scenarios according to the given requirements. Create Test Scenarios in Detail. After the Creation of Test cases and scenarios execute them on the developed application or a website.
Approaches Used in the Testing:
We follow two types of Approach to Test the Model Driven app:
- 1. Negative approach
- 2. Positive approach
Negative Approach
We use a negative approach to ensure that wither any field accept invalid data or the field is empty The BPF (Business Process Flows) Execute on invalid inputs or showing some validation errors.
Positive Approach
We use a positive approach to validate out scenarios or our fields. Through this approach verify all BPF (Business Process Flows) in the Model Driven App.
We use different Types of Testing to test the Model Driven App. Some of them were mentioned below:
- Functional Testing:To test the main functionalities or the features of the applications.
- Non-Functional Testing:To check the UI is responsive according to the user experience. UI is disturbed on different devices or not.
- Regression Testing:To verify that if any of the bug resolved then it effects the other functionalities or not.
- Ad-hoc Testing:The purpose of this testing to check the random errors through random testing without writing any test scenario. After performed the Ad-hoc testing write a test case or test scenario against the bug.
Learn more about Imperium's Power App Services. We hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing more insights into the Power Platform world.