Summit VanderBilt


Summit One Vanderbilt modernized its sales and marketing operations by integrating its ticketing system with Dynamics Sales and transitioning from HubSpot to Dynamics Marketing, Customer Insights, and Customer Service. This shift enabled unified data management, ensuring a more streamlined and connected approach to customer interactions.
As part of this transformation, a custom chatbot was deployed to maintain chat history across domains and sub-domains, ensuring seamless visitor interactions. Additionally, refinements to the FAQ page and customer support chatbot improved accessibility, making information easier for visitors to find. With the right technology and expertise, Summit One Vanderbilt is now equipped to deliver more personalized and seamless customer experiences.


  • Their ticketing system lacked compatibility with HubSpot, requiring manual tracking, impacting efficiency and visibility.

  • The ticketing solution partner offered a built-in connector for Dynamics Sales called CRM Plus, limiting Summit One Vanderbilt's ability to streamline its sales process with HubSpot.

  • The existing website chatbot could not retain chat history when users switched between domains or sub-domains, leading to fragmented customer interactions.


  • Integrated the ticketing system with Dynamics Sales using CRM Plus to automate sales processes and eliminate manual reporting.
  • Migrated sales and marketing data from HubSpot to Dynamics Marketing, Customer Insights and Customer Service for unified management.
  • Customized modules to align with Summit's specific sales and marketing workflows.
  • Developed a custom chatbot to maintain chat history across domains and enhance overall customer interactions.
  • Integrated Data verse and MDA to store and manage chatbot conversations.


Solution Features

Custom Dynamics Module
PVA Chatbot
Anonymous Lead Scoring
Data Migration
Model Driven App



How Imperium Can Help

Are you looking to begin a digital transformation but unsure where to start? Do you need help envisioning your future state in Power Platform or Dynamics 365? Do you have a vision but need help with execution?
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