On Demand Webinar: Uncover the game-changing potential of Dynamics 365 Marketing in Healthcare

From dynamically querying patients based on clinical criteria to attracting new patients with impactful outbound marketing initiatives, Dynamics 365 Marketing is a comprehensive solution tailored to the unique challenges faced by the healthcare industry. The webinar will provide real-world examples and best practices for adopting Dynamics 365 Marketing, empowering you to create and execute prevention, retention, and educational journeys that enhance patient engagement and satisfaction and minimize referral leakage. Take this opportunity to leverage Dynamics 365 Marketing to capture feedback, engage with patients, store the interactions, and build a positive brand image.

Also, discover how Imperium and Microsoft are driving change in the healthcare industry.

Area of Focus

1. Create Dynamic Patient Cohorts
2. Minimize Referral Leakage
3. Engage Existing Patients
4. Enhance Patient Satisfaction

Speaker of the Webinar
Sara Hou: Vice President of Products at Imperium Dynamics.